Hi, I’m Alison
I am a WEBB Bodywork practitioner and an animal healer.
My love for animals began as a child, with all the different animals we had or encountered. I can still remember seeing a horse for the first time and falling in love. After that I just wanted to have a horse. My parents said I could have one if I saved up enough money to buy and keep it, so I decided to work with them instead. I ended up doing both.
When I left school, I went to college and studied horses and farming, both arable and livestock. It gave me a good grounding for the future. I then got a job in a riding school, where there was a whole medley of animals – horses, cats, dogs, chickens, and ducks. I discovered how characterful ducks were and fell in love again. From that moment on I wanted ducks, and I still do. They are such lovely creatures.
Over the years I have been guardian to many animals, including horses, cats, dogs, and birds. As a child our family pets included cats, dogs, fish, turtles, tortoises, rabbits, mice, birds and guinea pigs. My parents had a rule, if you got a pet you looked after it or the pet goes to a new home. I am pleased to say none of our pets went to a new home.
As I’ve got older my love for animals has grown, along with my desire to help them. I realised I needed to gain some qualifications in animal wellbeing if I was going to achieve this. In 2017 I was introduced to doTERRA essential oils. I loved them. They are so versatile and completely natural. When doTERRA teamed up with a vet I switched my attention from people to animals. I learnt everything I could about the oils and pets from the vet. I then started trying them out on the pets of friends and family. My learning journey had begun.
In 2018 I signed up to the Open Pathway Animal Energy Therapy course and qualified in October that year. At this stage I was still doing everything as a hobby not a career. I wanted to do more, but what?
Then in 2020, I came across a video on chronic pain in dogs. It left me feeling excited and restless. Something in me said “you have to do this”. The journey to becoming a WEBB Bodywork practitioner was not easy. I had many hurdles to overcome, but I did it and in December 2021 I qualified….and I celebrated.
Thirsty for more knowledge, I am now learning the somatic embodiment method of healing, and animal communication which will provide me with an even greater range of tools to help your pets and other animals.
In all of my learning journeys the best teachers I have had have been your pets, and the best lessons I have learnt have been delivered by them….and long may this continue.
Animals are amazing creatures and I just love them, even when they are grumpy and uncooperative, and it’s a privilege to work with them.